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Welcome to our online library of electronic resources.
These subscriptions are provided for your use for free. Some will require you to create an account; enter your library card number without any spaces. If a PIN number is required, it is the last four digits of your library card number.

Make smarter purchasing decisions, whether you're looking for a car or healthcare.
Gale Virtual Reference offers encyclopedias and research sources.

Instantly borrow audiobooks, eBooks, comics, music, movies, and TV!

Audiobooks, books in braille, large-print books, and audio-described movies.
Libby is the the super mobile-friendly version of the overdrive app.
OverDrive boasts many
e-books and e-audiobooks.

POWER Library gives you access to books, magazines, genealogy/local history resources, and learning programs.
The Pennsylvania State Archives has a partnership with to digitize family history records in the State Archives and make them available online. Enter your PA zip code at the bottom of the screen to access documents on for free. This is possible through a partnership with Ancestry and The Pennsylvania State Archives.
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